Diogenes Tlg Software


  1. Diogenes Tlg Software Pdf
  2. Diogenes Tlg Software App


Diogenes tlg software online

TLG on-line (UT access) PHI Searchable Greek and Latin Inscriptions (beta) Diogenes (free software for TLG/PHI discs) source documentation for PHI 7 (Cornell) UC Berkeley: Ancient Greek Tutorials; UC Santa Cruz: Epigraphy; Greek Texts (Lacus Curtius) Greek Through the Internet; Ancient Greek Things; CUNY: Prose & Rhetoric; Perseus 4: Search Tools. The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® (TLG®) is a research program at the University of California, Irvine. Founded in 1972 the TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era. Diogenes is the ideal application for those people that really like ancient languages. It's a tool to browse and search through databases of ancient texts, especially in. Oct 27, 2013 Update: This post has now been rewritten. This is a brief guide to running Diogenes on Linux. Please note that Wordpress mangles things like quotes and dashes. You'll want to retype any commands that I give here, rather than copy and pasting them.

Scripts for searching classics texts

Diogenes Tlg Software

Diogenes is a set of Perl scripts designed to search the Latin and ancient Greek texts published on CD-Rom by the Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. Components include a Perl module, a command-line interface, and a CGI script with an HTTP server that is capable of delivering texts as HTML, PDF or GIF (via LaTeX). You can search by regular expressions, or in the case of the TLG, via the Greek word index. There is also a browser that can search on passages by location.


User manpage available in HTML format from http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin/diogenes/Diogenes.pod.html


version 3.2.0 (stable)
released on 26 April 2007


Related Projects


Verified by


Janet Casey

30 August 2001


Leaders and contributors

Peter Heslin Maintainer

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Bug Tracking,Developer,SupportE-mailmailto:P.J.Heslin@durham.ac.uk
Debian (Ref)https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/diogenes
Diogenes Tlg Software

Software prerequisites

Diogenes Tlg Software Pdf

Required to usePerl 5.005 or later

This entry (in part or in whole) was last reviewed on 9 February 2018.

Diogenes Tlg Software App

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