Build Rdm From Source For Mac

Over the years, we’ve received some feedback from IT pros who weren’t thrilled with the fact that RDM didn’t always play well with Microsoft ActiveX. Some of the main headaches included:

  1. Build Rdm From Source For Mac Catalina
  2. Build Rdm From Source For Mac Mojave
  3. Build Rpm From Source Rpm

The Blender executable will be located in./build/bin. To change this location, see make help or manually run cmake. Be sure to generate the build files in a directory other than the source directory. Many CMake options can be set to customize the build. See Build Options for how to configure them. Setup for Developers. RDMnet is a library that implements an upcoming ANSI standard, BSR E1.33: Message Transport and Device Management of ANSI E1.20 (RDM) over IP Networks, commonly referred to as RDMnet. The RDMnet library is designed to be portable and scalable to almost any RDMnet usage scenario, from lightweight embedded devices to large-scale data sending. Apache httpd uses libtool and autoconf to create a build environment that looks like many other Open Source projects. If you are upgrading from one minor version to the next (for example, 2.4.8 to 2.4.9), please skip down to the upgrading section. Build RDM from source. See instruction. Generate test data. Open RDM console or redis-cli and execute: eval 'for index = 0,100000 do'SET', 'testkey.

  • When logging off or disconnecting from a client server, the RDM window would hang and have to be shut down.
  • If an open VPN session ended and users weren’t present (i.e. if they had stepped away from their computer or device), RDM would hang and crash.
  • Sometimes, when using ActiveX, RDM would crash for no apparent reason.

You’ll hopefully note, however, that I used the word “included” up there instead of “includes”, because I have some wonderful pain-relieving news: FreeRDP is now integrated in RDM as an alternative to ActiveX!

Switching over to FreeRDP is fast and easy. Here’s what to do:
  • Go to File – Options – RDP
  • Switch your default RDP type from ActiveX to RDP (FreeRDP).
And that’s it! I bet you could do that blindfolded while juggling one-handed.Changing Specific Sessions

What if you want to apply the change to specific RDP sessions instead of all of them? No problem:

  • Choose a session to edit.
  • Select the General side menu and then click on the Advanced

Build Rdm From Source For Mac Catalina

In the RDP Version dropdown menu, select RDP (FreeRDP). (Note that if you select Default, RDM will automatically use the option set under File – Option – RDP.)

There might still be some limitations as what FreeRDP can do, but please don’t be shy, tell us and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.

You can finally put away that bottle of Tylenol, because you’ll no longer get a migraine from RDM and ActiveX. Just call me Dr. Jenny, MD! (Hey, maybe I should get a TV series?)

As always, please let us know your thoughts by using the comment feature of the blog. You can also visit our forums to get help and submit feature requests, you can find them here.


Steps to build Blender from scratch for each operating system.

  • on Linux
  • on macOS
  • on Windows

Resolving Build Failures

Most building problems are not actually errors in Blender's source code, although you can never fully rule out that possibility. See troubleshooting page for possible causes and where to get help.

Build System

Blender uses the CMake build system.

make wrapper

For quick setup, the make wrapper takes care of setting up CMake automatically, and has quick commands for various tasks. It must be run from the Blender repository root directory. The most important commands are:


By default, make outputs the build and project files to to ../build_<platform>. The Blender executable will be located in ../build_<platform>/bin.

To change this location, see make help or manually run cmake. Be sure to generate the build files in a directory other than the source directory.


Many CMake options can be set to customize the build. See Build Options for how to configure them.


Setup for Developers

For efficient development of the Blender C/C++ code, install and set up an Editor or IDE to navigate and edit the source code.

For efficient debugging and faster builds, see Build Options for Developers.

Library Dependencies

Details on obtaining libraries are included in each platform's build documentation. See dependencies page for details on how this system works and how to make portable builds.

Build Rdm From Source For Mac Mojave

Compiler Versions

CompilerOfficial Release VersionMinimum Supported Version
Linux GCC:
Linux Clang:-8.0
macOS Xcode:11.510.0
Windows Visual Studio:20192017

Build Rpm From Source Rpm

Other Build Configurations