A1 4 Scourge Of The Slave Lords Pdf

A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords 'Prequel'. Pdf, free pdf, fan site modules and adventures. They'll be fit for the Scourge of the Slave lords. This should give a. The A series modules have been anthologized twice, first in 1986 as A1-4: Scourge of the Slavelords and again in 2013 as A0-A4: Against the Slave Lords.Both anthologies add additional campaign material not found in the separately published modules, which were originally designed for tournament play.

Greyhawk Organization
Slave Lords
Kalen Lekos, headquarters of the Slave Lords, as depicted in Slavers (2000).
Founded:569-573 CY
Leader:The Nine
Headquarters:Kalen Lekos, Pomarj
Allies:Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, Scarlet Brotherhood
Enemies:Lords of Gearnat, others

The Slave Lords are an organization of slavers who have terrorized the lands surrounding the Sea of Gearnat for over two decades. The group's modus operandi has generally been to raid coastal villages for slaves, aboard ships with yellow sails.

  • 6Known members, 576-580 CY
  • 7Known members, 591 CY to present


Slavers raid a settlement.

The Slave Lords evolved out of a similar organization known as 'The Nine,' which was founded by Stalman Klim, sometime between 569 and 573 CY. Klim, a human priest of the Earth Dragon from the hidden Pomarj town of Suderham, had left Suderham in 569 CY to explore the Flanaess, where he gathered a number of allies, including drow and members of the Scarlet Brotherhood.

In 574 CY, Klim and his allies returned to Suderham, where they slew its last king, Roderic and took control of the town. By 576, the organization had become known as the Slave Lords, though its ruling council was still known as the Nine.

From 576 to 580 CY, the Slave Lords thrived, raiding for slaves in a number of towns on the Gearnat coast, making slaves one of the Pomarj's most valuable exports. The Slave Lords' operations came to an end in 580, due to the machinations of adventurers hired by a coalition of legal authorities known as the Lords of Gearnat, and the destruction of Suderham by a volcanic eruption.

By 591 CY, however, reports had arisen that the Slave Lords had began their depredations once more, finding a new ally in the likes of Turrosh Mak, a powerful despot who had gained control of the Pomarj during the Greyhawk Wars. Their current leadership is unclear, though many suspect a number of the original leaders are still thriving.


Little detail is known about the hierarchy of the Slave Lords. What is known is that the ruling body is the Nine, known variously as the Inner Council, the Council of the Nine, and the Nine of the Inner Council. These individuals make policy for the entire organization, and are assumed to hold the title of Slave Lord (A1-4.45, 95, 105, 127).

Below the Nine is the Outer Council (or Outer Council of the Lords), presumably made up of the leaders of regional operations. These individuals seem to hold the rank of 'Minor Lord' (A1-4.16, 45, 57).

The total number of Slave Lords on the Inner and Outer Councils is said to be twenty (A1-4.23).

Below the Outer Council is assumed to be the rank and file of the organization.


The Slave Lords have close ties to the cult of the Earth Dragon, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj. They also have a working relationship with the criminal organization of Dyvers known as the Alliance. During their heyday (576-580 CY), the Slave Lords also had ties to the drow of Erelhei-Cinlu.

Enemies of the Slave Lords include the Lords of Gearnat, a coalition of nations in the vicinity of the Sea of Gearnat whose lands were raided by the Slave Lords from 576-580 CY. The exact composition of this alliance is unknown, but it certainly included much of the Wild Coast and perhaps Onnwal. Hardby, Greyhawk City, and Irongate may also have been involved.

The Scarlet Brotherhood at some point helped finance the Slave Lords as mentioned in module A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords under the description of Brother Kerin.'Brother Kerin is the representative of the Scarlet Brotherhood, who helped finance and set up the Slave Lords.'


The Slave Lords have a number of bases of operation. The best-known are:

  • Kalen Lekos, a settlement on Mount Drachenkopf, highest mountain in the Pomarj.
  • The Slave Pits of Highport (576-580 CY).
  • The Slavers' Stockade in the Drachensgrabs (576-580 CY).
  • The hidden town of Suderham in the Drachensgrabs (destroyed in 580 CY by the eruption of Mount Flamenblut).
  • Sevant's Tower, a partially collapsed tower near Sevant's Cove, a village north of Hardby. (Slavers.48-53)
  • Slavers Cove, a cove on the Nyr Dyv, located on the northwest side of the Greyhawk peninsula. (Slavers.24-27)


A scene aboard the Ghoul.

The ships of the Slave Lords typically sport yellow sails--actually thin covers placed over the ships functional sails, which can be furled when anonymity is required (Slavers.19). During the period of 576-580 CY, purple sails were sometimes used as well (A1-4.8, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23). Known ships of the Slave Lords include:

  • The Bloodwort, a purple-sailed ship captained by Captain Joinville. (A1-4.17, 45)
  • The Eternal Sun, a cog operating on the Nyr Dyv. (Slavers.19-20)
  • The Ghoul, a purple-sailed galley captained by Captain Girana. (A1-4.19-23, 45)
  • The Longspan, a cog operating on the Nyr Dyv. (Slavers.19-20)
  • The Radiance, a cog operating on the Nyr Dyv. (Slavers.19-20)
  • The Water Dragon, a small private galley used by the Nine on the crater lake surrounding Suderham. (A3.4, 19-20, 22, 25; A1-4.112, 121-122)

Known members, 576-580 CY[edit]

Nerelas, Stalman Klim, Eanwulf, Ajakstu, and Brother Milerjoi.
Lamonsten, Stalman Klim, Edralve, Brother Kerin, Slippery Ketta, and Theg Narlot.

The Nine[edit]

Known members of the Nine from 576-580 include:

  • Stalman Klim (also known as Mordrammo).
  • Ajakstu, a human wizard.
  • Brother Milerjoi, a human monk of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
  • Brother Kerin, a human monk of the Scarlet Brotherhood, Milerjoi's assistant.
  • Eanwulf (also known as Feelta), a human pirate lord.
  • Edralve, an exiled drow priestess of Lolth from Erelhei-Cinlu.
  • Lamonsten the Lazy, an illusionist from Dyvers.
  • Nerelas, a human assassin.
  • Slippery Ketta, a human rogue.
  • Theg Narlot, a half-orc assassin.


  • Ragnar Ruvik, dwarven fighter and brother of Agnar Ruvik. Leader of Slave Lord operations in Elredd. Holds the rank of Minor Lord. (A1-4.15-16)
  • Hazzard, human mage and Ragnar's right-hand. (A1-4.16)
  • Carn, an elderly human fighter running The Broken Rudder, a tavern in Elredd. (A1-4.15)
  • Knocker, a human thief operating out of the Broken Rudder. (A1-4.16)


  • Sturm Blucholtz (AKA Dirk), a human thief in charge of Highport's Slave Pits. A member of the Outer Circle. (A1.18; A1-4.44, 45; Slavers.2)
  • Pieta, a human cleric of Gruumsh. (A1.10; A1-4.35-36; Slavers.2)
  • Alforas, a slave merchant. (A1-4.45, 46)
  • Hargil, a half orc guard defending the Slave Pits. (A1-4.45)
  • Trost, a half orc guard defending the Slave Pits. (A1-4.45)


  • The Mad One, an elven spy operating out of Safeton on the Wild Coast. (A1-4.12)
  • Agnar Ruvik (AKA Agnar Ock), a dwarven spy operating on the road between Safeton and Elredd. Brother of Ragnar Ruvik. (A1-4.13)
  • Targil the Red, a human spy operating on the road between Safeton and Elredd. (A1-4.13)
  • Bornthien, a halfling farmer forced by the Slave Lords to work as a spy on the road between Safeton and Elredd. (A1-4.13)

Sea of Gearnat[edit]

  • Girana, an elven fighter/mage. Captain of the Ghoul, a slaver ship. (A1-4.23]])
  • Joinville, captain of the Bloodwort, a slaver ship. (A1-4.17, 45)

See Full List On Ghwiki.greyparticle.com

The Slavers' Stockade[edit]

  • Markessa, an elven wizard who performed arcane experiments. A Minor Lord in charge of operations at the Slavers' Stockade in the Drachensgrabs. (A2)
  • Guliyet, a goblin witch doctor, and Markessa's assistant. (A2)
  • Blackthorn, an ogre mage, an agent sent by the Nine to observe Markessa.(A2)
  • Icar, a blind human fighter, perhaps of Touv stock. Commander of the Slavers' Stockade garrison. (A2)
  • Executioner, a powerful ogre and Icar's lieutenant. (A2)
  • Adhu Nazaryet, a hobgoblin shaman. (A2)
  • Gorbin Starworth, a human fighter. Captain of the Guard at the Stockade. (A2)
  • Kairn, Gorbin's half-orc lieutenant.
  • Carlstar Wiorfether, a human engineer, sapper, and miner. (A2)
  • Fyndax, a human alchemist. (A2)
  • Kyvin Trist, a human scribe. (A2)
  • Estelrath Tancred, a human slave merchant. (A2)


  • Wimpell Frump, a human illusionist and Minor Lord. (A3; A1-4.95)
  • Samovar, a human slave merchant. (A1-4.102)
  • Deeb, a human thief. (A1-4.102-103)
  • Tudwill, a human magistrate of Suderham. (A1-4.105)

Known members, 591 CY to present[edit]

Brother Kerin, Turrosh Mak, Unjan, Stalman Klim, Nadanru, Kent, and Ah-Bey.

The current Slave Lords consist of:

Inner Circle[edit]

  • Stalman Klim
  • Turrosh Mak, despot of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj
  • Brother Kerin
  • Markessa
  • Ah-Bey, a half-ogre fighter and priest of Beltar
  • Kent, a halfling thief
  • Nadanru, human wizard
  • Unjan, a fallen paladin of Mayaheine
Markessa and Devon.


  • Davis the Reaver, a fighter in charge of operations in Elredd. (A3.10; Slavers.77)
  • Piera, Child of the Dragon, a priestess of the Earth Dragon in Elredd. (Slavers.77-78)
  • Rurik the Taskmaster, a fighter in charge of training troops for Turrosh Mak. (Slavers.78)


  • Gormadoc, a halfling thief working in Hardby as a spy. (Slavers.35)


  • Markessa the Gold (AKA Tanva), an elven enchantress. A duplicate of Markessa in charge (with Braks) of operations in Highport. (Slavers.92-93)
  • Braks, a half-orc fighter in charge (with Markessa the Gold) of operations in Highport. (Slavers.92-93)

Kalen Lekos[edit]

  • Devon, a human fighter. Markessa's bodyguard. (Slavers.35)

Sevant's Tower[edit]

  • Markessa the Black (AKA Vessa), an elven mage/thief. A duplicate of Markessa in charge of Sevant's Tower. (Slavers.48-49)

Slavers Cove[edit]

  • Markessa the Red, a wood elf mage/thief once known as Tynley. A duplicate of Markessa in charge of Slavers Cove. (Slavers.27)

Woolly Bay[edit]

  • Malot, a human fighter; captain of a slaver cog. (Crossbows and Crossbones.5]])
  • Holvenya, a human priestess of the Earth Dragon serving on Malot's ship. (Crossbows and Crossbones.5]])
  • Vellosh, a human thief and priest of the Earth Dragon; in charge of a way station for captured slaves south of Fishtown, on Woolly Bay's eastern coast. (Crossbows and Crossbones.6-8]])


  • Cook, David. Slave Pits of the Undercity. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1980.
  • Cook, David, Allen Hammack, Harold Johnson, Tom Moldvay, Lawrence Schick, and Edward Carmien. Scourge of the Slave Lords. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1986.
  • Cook, David, Allen Hammack, Harold Johnson, Tom Moldvay, Lawrence Schick, and Skip Williams. Against the Slave Lords. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2013.
  • Hammack, Allen. Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1981.
  • Holian, Gary, Erik Mona, Sean K. Reynolds, and Frederick Weining. Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2000.
  • Johnson, Harold, and Tom Moldvay. Secret of the Slavers Stockade. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1981.
  • Reynolds, Sean K.. Crossbows and Crossbones. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2000.
  • Reynolds, Sean K., and Chris Pramas. Slavers. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2000.
  • Schick, Lawrence. In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1981.
  • Vaughan, Greg A. 'Wrath of the Abyss.' Dungeon #119. Bellevue, WA: Paizo Publishing, 2005.

Encyclopedia Greyhawkania Index
The page for the Encyclopedia Greyhawkania Index has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index. It is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda (also known as the Zavoda Index) and his work as continued by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIola, and numerous other fans over the years.
Please visit the Edit Encyclopedia Index page to contribute to the wiki database.

A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity1, 3
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords3
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade18, 19, 28
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAll
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),A4 In The Dungeons of the Slave Lords1, 3, 19, 22
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),Dragon Magazine #04312
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess72
A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave LordsAdventureAdventure - Located in: Wild Coast (Suderheim, Drachensgrab mountains),World of Greyhawk Boxed Set: Glossography30
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,A4 In The Dungeons of the Slave Lords
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Dragon Magazine #04312
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Dragon Magazine #16713
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Dragon Magazine #20070
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Living Greyhawk, Living Onnwal Gazetteer, D&D 3.5e6, 12, 26, 27, 101, 110
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Living Greyhawk Gazetteer88
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Player's Guide to Greyhawk27
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,The Return of the Eight32
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,Slavers, AD&D 2eAll
Slavelords {Slave Lords} {Slavers}People GroupOrganization,The Adventure Begins3
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Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, AD&D, Wizards of the Coast, all .. One final note: how on earth did the Slave Lords modules get. “The Last Slave Lord” was another AD&D 1e adventure, with D&D Finally top it off with, “Slavers”, (sequel to “Scourge of the Slave Lords”). Quickly rate Against the Slave Lords / Scourge of the Slave Lords think it has merit for any OSR gamers, as well as D&D fans of any edition.

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Read all 3 reviews Write Your Own. Beholder Drow dark elf Githyanki Illithid mind flayer Lich.

The module starts with the party trapped, without any gear, deep beneath a volcanic island. Any time you intend to post any promotion, message the mods ahead of time. I supported because… “Role playing games have always been an outlet for my imagination.

A1-4 Scourge Of The Slave Lords Pdf

The object of the module is to enter the fort through stealthy means and slowly eliminate the slavers before a general alarm can be raised. Tags separate by space: You and your fellow adventurers have been recruited to root out and destroy the source of these raids—as hundreds of good men and women have been taken by tbe slavers and have never been seen or heard from again!

Download the Basic Rules. It’s a mix of illustrations from the original modules and many new ones.

It is a trap-filled, monster-heavy section used to lure the group into a secret tunnel leading to the hidden city of Suderham. These five are Nerelas the assassin, Mordrammo the priest, Feetla the master buccaneer, Ajakstu the magic -user, and Brother Milerjoi the monk. Even more oddly the picture of the slave lords changes the sex of several of the members Lamonsten and Neralas become women and the half-orc looks.

Want to add to the discussion? Local lords, finally tired of the situation, hire a band of adventurers to attack the slavers in their home. Wish I had something to toss at you, but I just picked the module up from a friend yesterday and haven’t had a minute to read through it much.

These include errors, missing stats, assumptions that mix “the players have their own characters” and “the players are playing the tournament characters” that show where text was lifted without review from the originals.

In fact, the real stronghold of the Slave Lords is located somewhere in the Drachensgrab Hills. The modules are set in the Wlave. That addition actually makes a lot of sense, but the actual mechanisms of the plan planted materials, aid to the PCs tend to be a little obvious and overcomplicated. Class Based Pilot, Wizard, Scientist, etc.

Submit a new link.

Dark Sun Dark Sun: Into the Drachengrab Mountains! Because the original modules were run as a tournament event, the compilation includes nine pre-generated characters for use in tournament mode. My players, do not read! In the second part of the adventure, the sclurge discovers the haven of the Slave Lords, a town on an island in a volcanic crater. Add tags Tags separate by space: War Stories For all my complaints, you’d expect I would have never run this. Following this map leads the group to the second module, Secret of the Slavers Stockade.

Slave Pits Of The Undercityat The Pen & Paper RPG Database.

Periodical Thd Podcast Episodes.

Against the Slave Lords | Dungeons & Dragons

At that point, I knew this was a bad railroad, so I lors planning on any forced slaver or deus ex machina assistance from NPCs. From the decaying lands of the Pomarj, slavers have struck again!

Well, some did, as slaves, and the campaign changes radically as half of the players dropped out. Add a copy to your collection.



It’s just that lores there is a chance to let the PCs find their own path the adventure chooses a ham-handed railroad. In the final room of the section, the players are slsve as a set-up for In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords.

Now, the PCs scourve two choices – complete the mission and get punished for doing so, because this isn’t a “Good” action or give up and chase after the slavers. From what I understand they are supposed to go through the “Tomb of Elemental Evil” first so they would be at a higher level than 1. A Scourge of the Slave Lords is one of the “supermodules” put together out of earlier adventures.

Most apps include their own filtering systems. Skip to main content. The Genie’s Curse Birthright: Eventually the group d&x adventurers makes their way through the fort, avoiding hobgoblin patrols, and reaches a dungeon area.

He also said Dungeon Masters needed to be creative and adaptive in describing dungeon rooms and remember that the occupants were dynamic and reacted to characters. Had the PCs made it out of A1, they’d have had a chance to deal with A2 or A3 they had enough clues in A1 to skip ahead and go from there.

For a full list, see the Related Subreddits wiki page. Plotting and planning to overpower the slave masters with nothing but the manacles that keep you chained and knowing that even though you have a decent amount of hit points your armor class is basically nothing, and wondering if you can pull it off before they beat lprds down.

Aerie Seriesat Acaeum.com.

Also note our banned subjects list.


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